Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Top 10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship

      Top 10 Signs Of A Healthy Relationship 


Understanding what constitutes healthy relationships can help you make changes that lead to new heights of intimacy, happiness and fulfillment. No relationship is perfect, but here are 10 standard elements that should exist in all healthy relationships.

1. There is mutual respect between partners

A true sign of a good relationship is mutual respect between partners. It means that you respect each others’ individuality and make the most of your differences.

2. You trust each other
Each partner has faith in the other to be emotionally available when needed and you feel a genuine sense of safety and security in the relationship.

3. You appreciate each other

Both of you feel appreciated in the relationship and neither you or your partner feel unappreciated or taken for granted. You praise each other, offer compliments and use creative ways to show you care.

4. You can be honest with each other

In a healthy relationship, both partners display honesty and integrity from the start and maintain it throughout the course of the relationship. This means being honest in everything, and not telling those little white lies that can lead on to bigger, and more defining lies.

5. You support each other

In a healthy relationship, each person is interested in what the other is doing and there is a balance between giving and taking. Both partners are available for each other in a time of need.

6. You can spend quality time apart

In a healthy relationship, you shouldn't feel suffocated or controlled by your partner. Healthy individuals have their own friends, family members, interests and opinions outside the relationship. This also means letting her have a girls' night or her letting you hang out with your friends.

7. You have a good sex life

You're both okay with how often you have sex, how you have sex, where you have sex...and there's mutual participation. Sex is not withheld as a punishment and both partners feel safe enough to express their sexual desires without worrying that their partner will force them to do things they're uncomfortable with.

8. You manage conflict well

Contrary to what some may think, a healthy relationship doesn't mean you're happy 100 percent of the time. In a healthy relationship, you should be able to resolve your differences without blaming or belittling the other person. Instead of just avoiding arguments, healthy couples know how to handle them when they inevitably do come up.

9. There is good communication
If you are in a healthy balanced relationship, you should be able to listen to your partner and be able to support them without letting your own feelings get in the way. Both partners share details of their daily lives to strengthen their emotional bond and spend time together and learn about each other’s thoughts and ideas.

10. You truly feel happy

In a good relationship, both the partners are happy to be with each other and enjoy the relationship. You laugh with your partner and have fun together. You don’t feel like you are pretending, or that you should be someone other than who you are.

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